Rodi Moving & Storage Miami 9385 NW 101 St. Miami, FL 33178 305.863.9005
An Office Relocation Checklist
Office relocations are essential, regardless of why you’re relocating. You want to minimize downtime, and you want to shine in your new space. Creating a checklist will help ensure the details are taken care of and make for a smoother move.
Six Months Before
As soon as you know you’ll be moving, you begin planning, budgeting, and communicating.
- Create a moving committee and appoint a coordinator
- Review the lease at your current building. Do you need to make any repairs? Are you breaking the lease early? Are there any clauses that apply?
- Establish a preliminary budget.
- Contact three to four moving companies and obtain quotes. You’ll want a moving company that has previously handled relocations of similar workspaces.
- Notify employees that you will be moving. Keep the communication clear, direct, and positive. Determine whether all employees will relocate with you; develop severance and relocation packages as appropriate.
- Develop a marketing campaign telling clients you are moving and touting the benefits to them of the new location.
Three Months Before
As the moving date draws closer, you’ll begin to hone in on the details.
- Solidify the moving date with your chosen mover.
- Schedule transfer dates for phone, Internet, and utility services.
- Finalize employee severance packages or relocation packages.
- Order new letterhead and business cards and change address forms for the post office, the IRS, and vendors.
- Continue communications with employees and clients.
- Order any data or specialty circuits.
Two Months Before
Continue to work on the details of the move.
- Plan the new space, including where you’ll need electrical outlets, data connections, and other technology. Map where each piece of furniture and equipment will go.
- Coordinate with IT, laboratory workers, and other specialists to ensure the equipment runs quickly.
- Communicate with employees about parking at the new location and, if necessary, arrange for parking garage access cards. If public transportation is a factor, gather and distribute information about subway and bus routes.
- Develop a preliminary moving week schedule.
- Help employees with any relocation-related issues. Distribute information about lunch spots, child care, banks, and gyms near the new office.
One Month Before
If you’ve managed well so far, you’re in good shape. Just stay focused to stay on schedule.
- Assemble moving supplies and begin packing. Use the opportunity to discard any outdated or nonfunctioning furniture or equipment.
- Create instruction sheets for employees about preparing their workspace for the move and how long they may expect the move to take. If they are working from home for a period, include that information on their sheets.
- Do everything you can to support employees, whether relocating or taking severance packages. Keep morale high.
- Finalize any move security procedures.
Two Weeks Before the Move
The moving date is almost here.
- Confirm moving dates and times with your mover and transfer dates with utilities, Internet, and phone providers.
- Begin backing up computer data.
- Continue packing.
- Continue outreach to clients, suppliers, and employees.
One Week Before
- Walk through the new space, noting anything the landlord needs to fix before you move in.
- Review the schedule with everyone.
- Check expenses against the budget to see how you did.
- Celebrate with your team. Find a way to bring closure to the old space’s time and look forward to beginning anew.
Office Move Help
We can help with your office relocation. We’re dedicated to meeting your requirements with timely, cost-effective solutions. For more information, contact us now for a quote.