Rodi Moving & Storage Miami 9385 NW 101 St. Miami, FL 33178 305.863.9005

Moving Tips During COVID-19
The current Covid-19 crisis is unlike anything we’ve experienced in this country. With constantly changing information and an uncertain future, many questions about how to conduct ourselves arise.
One of those questions, many families and businesses ask is ‘how do we plan a move in the middle of a pandemic?’
Rodi Moving & Storage is here to help. Below, you’ll find some tips to help you plan your move while keeping your family safe before, during, and after the moving process.
Before the Move
Questions to ask a moving company about their Covid-19 procedures.
The moving company you choose to work with should have clear precautions to protect your family and their employees during this pandemic. Ask them about the measures they’re taking to ensure a safe moving experience. Here are a few sample questions to help get you started:
- What measures are your moving crews taking to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in homes?
- What measures is your company taking to protect your drivers and movers?
- What are some precautions I can take during the move?
- Have any of your employees been diagnosed with Covid-19? What will you do if they are?
Get a virtual moving quote.
One of the biggest precautions we’ve taken as a country has been avoiding person-to-person contact. Traditional methods for providing a moving quote include an in-person visit to your home by a moving company representative.
However, many moving companies are equipped to conduct a virtual walkthrough of your home. Using your phone or tablet, you can video chat with your moving company as they gather the information they need to provide you with a quote.
When selecting a moving company, ask if can provide an estimate from a virtual walkthrough.
Clean and disinfect your home.
Under normal circumstances, hiring professional cleaners can be a great way to save time and help the movers. However, bringing more strangers into your home is not advisable under the current circumstances. The best option is to clean your house yourself.
The CDC has provided household cleaning and disinfecting guidelines. Clean frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, faucet handles, tables, and desktops, etc.
During the Move
Don’t shake hands!
Don’t worry; it isn’t rude to not shake hands when you greet the movers. It’s safe!
Practice social distancing.
Even in your home, try to maintain the six-foot distance between you and the movers. You don’t need to help them with the packing and lifting. Try to keep other family members and pets in a separate area or room away from the crew.
Wash your hands.
The most repeated advice needs to be repeated once again. Wash your hands. You can also request that the movers wash their hands frequently as well. Make sure disinfectant sprays or wipes are available for door handles and light switches.
Adhere to the CDC’s recommendations.
This includes wearing masks and gloves, avoiding touching the face, refraining from sharing food, washing hands regularly, and frequently disinfecting surfaces.
After the Move
Disinfect your new home.
Before you get settled, be sure to thoroughly disinfect the surfaces and furniture of your new home and dispose of any moving and packing materials.
Contact us today to learn more about how Rodi Moving & Storage can move you safely during this pandemic.